Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Taking another me-day. Because I deserve it.

Here's the thing... you know the Occupy movement and the whole 99% thing? And you know the people who are not the 1% but don't like the movement and post pictures with their handwritten things that say stuff like, "I'm the 99% but instead of complaining I work hard all day and don't expect handouts?" etc? Well, I don't believe that people should have to have more than one job to survive. It sucks. I don't believe that people should have to work to put themselves through college. That would suck.

I'm not claiming to know everything about the Occupy movement, but I'm pretty sure that one of their things is that it's not fair for the 99% to have to work their asses off day in and day out, just to make ends meet, just because some idiots on Wall Street fucked up our economy and shit.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that every now and then, I like to pretend that I only have one job. It makes my life a lot better. I'm sick of feeling like I need to be working alllllllllllll of the time. See my last post.

Therefore, today is a me-day. I'm not writing, I'm not making sandwiches. I'm sitting, because I just got paid to stand up for about 40 hours this week. I'm enjoying my down time.


Here's some pictures from my photo shoot(s) with Brody

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